
Steven Dutch, Professor Emeritus, Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

Plane-Polarized Light

A mineral of high-grade and high-pressure metamorphic rocks. Usually fairly good crystal form. Moderately high relief. Pleochroic in shades of yellow, and often riddled with inclusions. This texture is called poikiloblastic.

Crossed Polarizers

Has low birefringence and looks pretty much the same in both plane and crossed polarized light.

A very typical example of staurolite in plane-polarized light, showing high relief, yellow color and poikiloblastic texture.

STAUR-P1.jpg (102933 bytes)

Same field under crossed polarizers. The dark color is due to being near extinction.

STAUR-X1.jpg (102909 bytes)

Same field rotated to maximum color.

STAUR-X2.jpg (107411 bytes)

Another typical example of staurolite in plane-polarized light.

STAUR-P3.jpg (84984 bytes)

Same field under crossed polarizers. Note that there is almost no change in color.

STAUR-X3.jpg (98213 bytes)

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Created 15 October 2009, Last Update

Created 10 Oct 1997, Last Update