May 20-23, 1996
Steven Dutch, Professor Emeritus, Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
Vlasenica, May 20, 1996
The angular unconformity near Camp Demi. The beds at top and bottom have different slopes. |
Semir in front of a graffiti covered wall. There's a Serbian Cross at left and "Chetniks" in red at the top. |
View from Vlasenica. |
Erasing the Past
Early on, I noticed some old masonry in this square but didn't think enough about it. I finally realized that was the site of the old mosque (500 years old, I was told) in Vlasenica. Next time I passed by, it was sanitized completely. |
Marshal Scott and the Showdown in V-town
Well, they really weren't bad guys. We just weren't sure their guard was allowed to be armed (it turned out he was OK). But it was tenser than usual for a while. |
Once in a Great While, There is Justice
Kladanj Turns Green
Mine Awareness Classes
We always attracted a horde of kids |
Shell impact |
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