Soils and Geology of Wisconsin Field Trip, May 2006
Steven Dutch, Professor Emeritus, Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
Highway 29 Near Shawano
Road cuts on Highway 29 south of Shawano expose the contact between the Cambrian sandstones and Prairie du Chien dolomites. |
Tigerton Dells
Coarse granite of the Wolf River Batholith. The secret to finding huge feldspar crystals is using the right size hammer. But even with a regular hammer these are pretty impressive. |
Professor Luczaj points out the location. |
View looking upstream |
Nine-Mile Granite
Rib Mountain
Highway cuts at Brokaw expose well displayed sedimentary structures in the metasedimentary rocks. |
Metaconglomerate layers. |
General view of the outcrop. |
A rare set of nearly complete crossbeds, showing topset, foreset and bottomset layers. |
More cross beds. |
A coarse metaconglomerate layer, with finely laminated sediments above and cross beds below. |
Irma Hill
Irma Hill is an inlier of Cambrian sandstone far removed from any other Paleozoic outcrops. |
General view of the outcrops. |
Closeup of the sandstone. |
Ripple marks in the sandstone. |
Harrison Hills
Floating Bog
The Army says "If it's not raining, it's not training." So what better time to visit a floating bog than in the rain? |
The bog consists of a thick vegetation mat with water beneath. A soil auger meets resistance for a bit and then pushes effortlessly. |
There's also a lot of water on top of the vegetation mat. |
Powell Kyanite Schist
There aren't many good exposures of high grade metamorphic rocks in Wisconsin. This exposure near Powell consists of kyanite schist. |
The outcrop lies in an otherwise completely featureless expanse of forest. |
Simone Kolb expostulates on the meaning of the schist. |
Archean Gneiss Near Hurley
Excellent exposures of Archean gneiss occur just south of Hurley. We're on the edge of the Superior craton here, north of the Niagara Fault, which is hidden under glacial deposits. |
Banding in the gneiss. |
Glacial polish and striations on top of the outcrops. |
Tyler Formation, Hurley
Thick accumulations of slate and metagraywacke represent the former continental slope of the Superior craton. |
A good illustration of the difference between bedding and foliation. |
A quick grocery stop allows for a Frisbee tournament. |
Professor Fermanich displays fine Frisbee-chasing form |
Pillow Basalt Near Wakefield
Lake Gogebic
Keeweenawan Volcanic Rocks at Bergland
Lake Superior
Lake of the Clouds
Van Riper State Park
Campeau Gneiss, Marquette
Presque Isle Park, Marquette
Jacobsville Sandstone overlying Archean rocks. |
Visiting this locality can be a real cliffhanger. |
Jointed sandstone underwater in Lake Superior. |
On the north end of Presque Isle Park is a puzzling Archean peridotite. |
The peridotite is extensively altered and veined with carbonates. |
Looking west across the bay. |
Ore dock at the entrance to Presque Isle Park. |
Marquette Synclinorium
Left and below: spectacular stromatolites in the Kona Dolomite. |
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Created 08 September 2006, Last Update 15 January 2020