The Vajont Dam, Italy: Setting

Steven Dutch, Professor Emeritus, Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

Location: 48o 16' 02" N, 012o 19' 45" E.

The narrow and steep sided Vajont Valley in Italy, just an hour's drive north of Venice, was considered a prime location for a hydroelectric dam as early as the 1920's. This diagram shows the landscape as it looked before the dam was built. The narrow, steep sided mouth of the gorge was considered a good place to locate a dam. Opposite the mouth of the gorge is the town of Longarone.

In this view we are looking east. North is to the left, south is to the right. The Piave River flows across the picture from left to right.

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Created 8 October 2009, Last Update 15 January 2020