Avila, Spain

Steven Dutch, Professor Emeritus, Natural and Applied Sciences, Universityof Wisconsin - Green Bay

The Walls

Known for its perfect city walls, cathedral, and historical connections to St. Teresa of Avila.

Word: Do not try to drive in the walled section!
Left: Close up of the granodiorite that makes up the walls.

Below: Spectacular xenoliths.
Decorative mortar  (possibly to flag the section as restored?)
A City gate
Outcrop at the base of the walls

On Top of the Walls

Climbing the stairs
Views from the walls
Countryside outside the walls
Going down.


One way to get some bang for the buck is to make the rear of the cathedral part of the city walls.
They already built three walls for you. Why not take advantage?

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Created 11 March 2009, Last Update 31 May 2020