Jupiter Images

Steven Dutch, Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

Pioneer image, 1973. Crude by later standards, but our first close-ups of Jupiter.
Voyager image with earth for scale.
Jupiter with Io (left) and Europa (right)
The Great Red Spot.
Infrared photo of Jupiter from Earth and a nearly simultaneous visible light photo from Galileo. Note that brown belts are warm (we can see deeper) and white belts are cold. The Great Red Spot is also cold.
Jupiter has a very thin ring.
Mosaic of Jupiter and the Galilean satellites

Impact of Schumacher-Levy 9

The comet made a couple of orbits of Jupiter before escaping again. It the process, it broke up due to tidal stresses. Some fragments broke up again, others dissipated.
Galileo, closing in on Jupiter, was in a position to image the impacts directly, though from a great distance.
In a wavelength of infrared strongly absorbed by methane, Jupiter appears dark. A fresh impact has just rotated into view. Hot material high in Jupiter's atmosphere emits copious infrared that swamps the detector.
Another impact later in the series. Previous impacts show as a string of glowing dots in infrared.


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Created 6 April 1999, Last Update 15 January 2020

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