General Student Responsibilities
Steven Dutch, Professor Emeritus, Natural and Applied Sciences, Universityof Wisconsin - Green Bay
You Are Responsible For:
- Knowing all the pertinent information about the class, including:
- the name of the class
- the catalog number
- the instructor's name
- the meeting time and location
- the dates of all examinations, field trips, and other class activities.
- Knowing the contents of the syllabus.
- Picking up assignments as they are returned.
- Retaining all class materials until final grades are in and all grade disputes have been settled.
- Having sufficient general knowledge to understand the course material.
- Having sufficient general vocabulary to understand the class material and exam questions.
- Looking up any unfamiliar vocabulary or subject matter you encounter in class.
- Reading all on-line material pertaining to the class.
- Retaining material learned in class.
- Asking questions about anything you are unsure about.
- Knowing the course material well enough to understand the terminology used in assignments and exam questions, and being able to interpret the meaning of the assignment or question.
- Knowing the course standards and material well enough to estimate your own grades accurately.
- Knowing where and when out of class activities like field trips meet.
- Signing attendance rosters for field trips or extra credit events.
Other Rules
- If there is any conflict between lecture presentation and the textbook, lecture presentation takes precedence.
- If you get married, go into Witness Protection, or otherwise change your name, let your instructor know! The registrar doesn't automatically forward that information.
- If you are knowledgeable enough to come up with alternative answers to exam questions, you are knowledgeable enough to be able to figure out which answer is intended to be the correct one.
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Created 27 December 2006, Last Update 31 May 2020