Bullock Peak, South Dakota

Steven Dutch, Professor Emeritus, Natural and Applied Sciences, Universityof Wisconsin - Green Bay

Pactola Reservoir

Bullock Peak, sd  
Bullock Peak, sd Below: Bullock Peak is the square-topped peak on the skyline. An unused fire observation tower is faintly visible on the peak.
Bullock Peak, sd Bullock Peak, sd
Bullock Peak, sd Bullock Peak, sd
Above: looking north across Pactola Reservoir Below: typical Black hillsschists in a road cut at the south end of Pactola Reservoir.
Bullock Peak, sd Bullock Peak, sd

Views From Bullock Peak

Bullock Peak, sd Bullock Peak, sd
Above: the sequence of views begins looking north. Below: Looking northeast over Pactola Reservoir
Bullock Peak, sd Bullock Peak, sd
Bullock Peak, sd Bullock Peak, sd
Bullock Peak, sd Bullock Peak, sd
Bullock Peak, sd Bullock Peak, sd
Bullock Peak, sd Bullock Peak, sd
Bullock Peak, sd Bullock Peak, sd
Bullock Peak, sd Bullock Peak, sd
Bullock Peak, sd Bullock Peak, sd
Bullock Peak, sd Harney Peak is just visible from Bullock Peak. Here it peeks around a nearby hilltop.

This panorama spans over 360 degrees, beginning with a view north. Terry Peak is the peak on the distant northern skyline. Harney Peak just peeks over a nearer hill in mid-panorama (south).

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Created 15 January 2005, Last Update 07 June 2020