Mount St. Helens, Washington: Spirit Lake and Windy Ridge

Steven Dutch, Professor Emeritus, Natural and Applied Sciences, Universityof Wisconsin - Green Bay

Data for Mount Saint Helens is somewhat ambivalent. The topography availableonline from the U.S. Geological Survey dates from 1981 and shows changes due tothe eruption. But all the other data layers - hydrography, roads, and so, datefrom 1978! Thus the data show the pre-eruption glaciers, outline ofSpirit Lake, and the now-buried course of old state highway 504. On the mapsabove, the buried highway is dark purple, new lakes are light blue and thedebris flow is light brown. Post-eruption data from U.S. Forest Service maps.

Mount St. Helens, Washington Heading east on U.S. 12. From Johnston Ridge to Windy Ridge is 5 miles straight line, over 100 miles and three hours by road.
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington  
Mount St. Helens, Washington  
Mount St. Helens, Washington Left and below: the spectacular glacial valley of Clearwater Creek.
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington  
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount Saint Helens hidden by the clouds.
Mount St. Helens, Washington New growth since 1980.
Mount St. Helens, Washington Clearwater Creek valley and the edge of the blast area.
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington Two miners were killed here during the 1980 eruption. Their car was flung across the road.
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington Left and below: views east from the ridge.
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington Spirit Lake and Harmony Basin
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington  
Mount St. Helens, Washington  
Mount St. Helens, Washington  
Mount St. Helens, Washington Looking east toward Mount Adams
Mount St. Helens, Washington Old pumice layers near Windy Ridge.
Mount St. Helens, Washington Windy Ridge parking area.

Below: Spirit Lake from the viewpoint.

Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount Saint Helens
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount Adams peeping through the clouds.
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington
Mount St. Helens, Washington Sharp edge of the blast zone.
Mount St. Helens, Washington  
Mount St. Helens, Washington Mount St. Helens, Washington

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Created 14 July 2003, Last Update 06 June 2020