Terry Peak, South Dakota

Steven Dutch, Professor Emeritus, Natural and Applied Sciences, Universityof Wisconsin - Green Bay

Major Elevations in the Black hills

Black Elk Peak (Harney Peak) 7242 2207
Odakota Mountain 7200+ 2195+
Bear Mountain 7172 2186
Crooks Tower 7137 2175
Terry Peak 7071 2155
Crows Nest Peak 7048 2148
Sylvan Hill 7000 2134
Flag Mountain 6937 2114
Laird Peak 6905 2105
Custer Peak 6804 2074
Cement Ridge 6674 2034
Weston County High Point 6620+ 2018+
Inyan Kara Mountain 6368 1941
Mount Rushmore 5725 1745
Rankin Ridge 5013 1528

Location and Geologic Maps

Terry Peak is only 150 feet lower than Harney Peak, but is easily accessible by road. The bedrock is Tertiary medium-grained granite. The League For Defacing Every Mountain With Towers has been busy on Terry Peak and the summit is a forest of communications towers. The slopes are being developed for ski resorts.

Qa: Quaternary Alluvium
Qg: Quaternary Gravels
Tw: Tertiary White River Group
Tui: Tertiary Intrusives
K: Cretaceous
Ju: Jurassic
TPs: Triassic-Permian Spearfish Formation
Pmk: Permian Minnekahta Limestone
Po: Permian Opeche Shale
Pm: Permian-Pennsylvanian Minnelusa Formation
MDps: Mississippian-Devonian Paha Sapa Limestone
O: Ordovician Whitewood Limestone and Winnepeg Siltstone C: Cambrian Deadwood Sandstone
X: Proterozoic Metamorphic Rocks
XW: Proterozoic and Archean Metamorphic Rocks

Left and below: Looking northeast over Lead
Looking north
Looking northwest. The distant Peak is Crow Peak.
Left and below: views west and southwest.
Looking east. The conical peak is Custer Peak.
View south of the summit, looking east

Panorama looking east

Above: Looking northwest

Left: Looking north

Below: Looking northeast to Lead

Looking southeast. The prominent conical peak is Custer Peak
Left and below: looking south
Looking southwest.

Panorama looking east (left) to south (right)

Above: Looking south

Left: Looking southeast

Left and below: Looking southeast. The distant conical peak is Custer Peak
Left and below: Looking east.
Left: Looking northeast to Lead

Below: Looking north

Left: Looking northwest

Below: Looking west and southwest

Near 360-degree panorama. photos were taken from multiple vantage points.

Left and below: Looking south and southwest from the south side of the peak. Black Elk Peak (Harney Peak) is on the distant horizon above the wooden structure.

Panorama looking south and southwest from the south side of the peak.


Geologic map based on:

Strobel, M.L., Jarrell, G.J., Sawyer, J.F., Schleicher, J.R., and Fahrenbach, M.D., 1999; Distribution of hydrogeologic units in the Black hillsarea, South Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey Publication Series and Number: Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-743: Map Scale: 1:100,000

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Created 15 January 2005, Last Update 10 June 2020