Steven Dutch, Professor Emeritus, Natural and Applied Sciences, Universityof Wisconsin - Green Bay
Mercury Hemispheres 0-180
Mercury Hemispheres 90E-90W
Mercury Hemispheres 90N-90S
Mercury North Pole, Borealis Planitia 90N000E
Mercury Sousa, Hemingway 50N 000E
Mercury Mendelssohn 50N 090E
Mercury Caloris Basin N, Brahms 50N 180E
Mercury Rubens, Gauguin 50N 090W
Mercury Solitudo Iovis 00NS 000E
Mercury Rachmaninoff, Rembrandt 00NS 090E
Mercury Mozart, Caloris Basin S 00NS 180E
Mercury Vivaldi, Matisse, Beethoven 00NS 090W
Mercury Dvorak, Debussy, Kurosawa 50S000E
Mercury Rembrandt, Belgica Rupes 50S090E
Mercury Dostojevsky, Milton 50S180E
Mercury Bach, Hawthorne 50S090W
Mercury South Pole, Bocaccio 90S000E
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Created 11 April 2014, Last Update 24 May 2020