Steven Dutch, Professor Emeritus, Natural and Applied Sciences,
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
This is my complete collection of pictures from the 2001 GSA Field Forum.They are half-size (320 by 240 pixels) to save server space and speed updownload times. I can send full-size pictures to anyone who wants a particularshot. I will add captions and correct problems (like portrait-oriented shotsthat are squashed on the screen) as I get time. I gathered a few special-themepictures onto special pages. Some dates have no subdirectories, others do buthave links to the dates as well because I have miscellaneous shots for thosedates.
Cast of Characters
The Aliens are Already Here
April 21, 2001
April 22, 2001
April 24, 2001: Mount Irish and Reso's Reef
April 25, 2001: Tempiute Mountain
April 26, 2001
April 29, 2001
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Created 15 May 2001, Last Update