Channeled scablands: The Dalles to Seattle

Steven Dutch, Professor Emeritus, Natural and Applied Sciences, Universityof Wisconsin - Green Bay


I need to make it crystal clear that none of this is my own research. Thepictures on this and associated pages were taken on a GSA field trip in 1994 ledby Richard B. Waitt of the U.S. Geological Survey, and the interpretationspresented here are largely those of Dr. Waitt as presented on the field trip andits guidebook. I thank Dr. Waitt and his colleagues for a stupendous fieldexperience.

The Dalles

Channeled scablandsChanneled scablands

5.1 Petersburg Bar

Channeled scablands
Channeled scablandsChanneled scablands

5.2 Celilo Overlook

Channeled scablands Channeled scablands
Channeled scablands  

5.3 Columbia River Overlook

If there is one place I would take someone to show the effects of the Missoula floods, this would be it. At stop 5.3 we see the Columbia gorge with its walls scoured by the flood. At stop5.4 we see where water from the Columbia gorge spilled over a divide 200 meters above present river level with enough force to  create spectacular scablands. 

Channeled scablands Channeled scablands
Channeled scablands Left and above: Mount Hood in the distance
Channeled scablandsChanneled scablands
Channeled scablandsChanneled scablands

5.4 Scabland at "The Narrows"

Channeled scablandsChanneled scablands
Channeled scablands
Channeled scablands
Channeled scablands
Channeled scablands
Channeled scablands
Channeled scablands
Channeled scablands  Channeled scablands
Channeled scablands Channeled scablands

Columbia River Gorge

Channeled scablands Channeled scablands
Channeled scablandsChanneled scablands
Channeled scablandsChanneled scablands
Channeled scablandsChanneled scablands
Channeled scablandsChanneled scablands

5.6 Bridge of the Gods

Channeled scablandsChanneled scablands
Channeled scablandsChanneled scablands
Channeled scablandsChanneled scablands
 Channeled scablandsChanneled scablands
 Channeled scablandsChanneled scablands

Mount Hood Near Portland

Channeled scablands
Channeled scablandsChanneled scablands
Channeled scablands

Spokane to Soap Lake
Soap Lake to Chelan
Chelan to Othello
Othello to The Dalles

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Created 7 April 2003, Last Update 08 June 2020