Javascript Pages

Steven Dutch, Professor Emeritus, Natural and Applied Sciences, Universityof Wisconsin - Green Bay

This page is mostly a convenience to me, so I can locate and borrow code.


Some Major Orbit Types
The (Almost) Venus-Earth Pentagram
Kepler's Second Law

Structural Geology

Create a stereonet
Create an Equal Area Net
Draw Structure Contours on a Plane, Given Strike and Dip
Find Strike and Dip of a Plane Given Structure Contours
Find Structure Contours Given Three Points
Find Strike and Dip Given Three Points
Draw Elevation Points on a Line, Given Trend and Plunge
Find the Intersection of Two Planes
Plot a Plane on a stereonet , Given Strike and Dip
Find Strike and Dip of a Plotted Plane on a stereonet
Plot a Line on a stereonet Given its Trend and Plunge
Find Trend and Plunge of a Line on a stereonet
Find the Intersection of Two Planes on a stereonet
Find the Apparent Dip of a Plane
Plot a Pole to a Plane on a stereonet , Given Strike and Dip
Find Strike and Dip of a Plane on a stereonet , Given its Pole


Plane Space Groups
3-Dimensional Point Groups


Binary Eutectic
Incongruent Melting
Solid solution
Ternary Eutectic


Astroid as Envelope of Ellipses
Cardioids and Limacons
Ellipse as a Negative Pedal
Kepler's Second Law
Morley's Triangle
Oblique Ellipses
Parabola as Envelope of Lines with Constant Sum of Intercepts
Parabola as a Negative Pedal
Steiner Chains
Logarithmic Spiral Tesselations


javascriptinprog /drawpolyGraph9f10v.html

javascriptinprog /drawpolyGraphData9f10v.html




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Created 12 July 2014, Last Update 01 June 2020